V4CGM501 tin plate on the table frame groove

$ 13.86

Product No.: V4CGM501白鐵槽板桌上架 Print product data sheet:

 Product Specifications:

Length: 415mm
Width: 180mm
Height: 455mm
Color: Baitie
Material: sheet metal products
Quantity: One

Note: tin mesh size (415 * 433 * 15mm) specifications apply to the trench plate attachment (hook without slot board http://www.cg.com.tw/index.php/cPath/102_291)
Payment and other considerations, please refer to cart treaty http://www.cg.com.tw/shop_content.php/coID/3

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This Product was added to our catalog on Thursday, 17. December 2015.



Customer group:New customer
All prices excl. Sales tax

$ 80.05 $ 61.58