K3SY405 number of plastic hanging strips hook

$ 0.46

Product No.: K3SY405號塑膠掛條掛勾

Shippingtime: 3-4 Days

Print product data sheet:

Length L: 565mm (12 hook.)
Width W: 28mm
High H: mm
Thickness: 1.4mm
Quantity: special commodity minimum order quantity 200 (1000 printable trademarks surcharge)
Content Material: Plastic
Color: White.
Note: *** The above offer is not included ***
1 style to buy a special commodity, please then contact determinable amount of the lowest requirements,
(2) Be sure to call  04-22020642 
    Reconfirmation of delivery and related issues before transfer.
3 Payment and precautions, see the purchasing conditions
    (Total amount of less than 3,000 yuan purchase extra shipping 150 yuan /)

This Product was added to our catalog on Tuesday, 23. July 2013.



Customer group:New customer
All prices excl. Sales tax

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